Catch & Craft Catch & Craft

Catch & Craft

  • logo
  • visual identity
About project

Out of nothing, visual identity for the most durable handcrafted leather sheath made for Americans, in Georgia - Catch & Craft. Creative process led us to discover similarities between the brand and its customers’ values - strength, durability, and freedom. This is how the eagle has soared!

Catch & Craft Catch & Craft
Catch & Craft Catch & Craft
Catch & Craft Catch & Craft
Catch & Craft Catch & Craft


Credit: Nick Kumbari, Giorgi Avaliani, Tata Gusharashvili, Giorgi Khardziani, Anuki Koniashvili

East Point - Entertainment City Visual Identity

  • visual identity
  • 3d
  • graphic design
  • concepts
About project

East Point is an open-concept shopping and entertainment center where you can dive into the depths of the fashion industry and the heart of the amusement world.
We enhanced our visual identity with flexible 3D graphic elements and radiant colors, as the mall is full of diverse and multidimensional experiences.

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